Upholstery CSI

Upholstery CSI:

Reading the Evidence

2019 Excellence in Exhibition Award, American Alliance of Museums

Upholstery CSI explores the secrets of the 18th-century upholstery trade by looking at furniture from the bare frame to the finished piece. Guests learn about the non-destructive Graves Approach developed by conservator Leroy Graves.

Exhibition Webpage

This video was created from a series of conservation images. Guests can see how the nondestructive upholstery pieces come together to form a finished sofa.

To create this video image backgrounds were removed, shadows added, individual pieces removed or added, and cloning of fabrics was completed with Photoshop. Video was assembled in Premiere Pro, where text and arrows were added adhering to the exhibition’s branding.

There is no better way to understand an object than to see it being made. This video shows the process of creating a decorative tassel.

Filming of this process used two cameras, a Sony FS5 and Sony FS7. The final was edited in Premiere Pro, displayed on a 4K monitor, played from a 4K BrightSign player.

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